
PeerWise: we finish Step 5 this Friday 27 May at 5.00pm.

Lots of people have given me feedback about different aspects of the course. Thank you for your comments, by email and written in your assignments and SPAs. And the best feedback are ideas people might have about how specific aspects of our course could be done better next time.

One comment I received was: “I felt Peerwise was a waste of time. So many of the questions were really quite inane and some not even relevant. The ones about things that we hadn’t covered leave you questioning how well you have covered the course content.”

How did you find PeerWise? What were the strengths and weaknesses of your experience using PeerWise in our course? Please leave your comments here on my blog, on our course Facebook page, or email me at

You can also leave written comments in your formal student feedback by clicking on the big red button ‘Have your say’ on Moodle (that is, if you haven’t yet completed your student survey; one-third of people in our course have already completed their survey). I will get this feedback after grades are finalised in the course.

During the term I deleted quite a lot of people’s questions on PeerWise that did not contribute well to the community of questions we were developing. Should I do more of this? Also, perhaps I need to help people better figure out how to follow people on PeerWise, so you can just answer questions from people who are writing great questions and ignore the ones that do not assist your learning (this is what I do). 🙂

Look forward to your feedback on PeerWise.

Regards, Martin